Is Tamiflu 75mg helpful in Corona Virus? Tamiflu 75Mg for Corona Virus

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Is Tamiflu 75mg helpful in Corona Virus? Tamiflu 75Mg for Corona Virus

For close to two months now, the media has been awash with news of the outbreak of the Corona Virus. What started in the Chinese city of Wuhan has now spread to locations as far and wide as Australia, the US, Canada, the UK, and Japan. More than 500 people are known to have already died from the virus. More than 15,000 people are already infected by it. With this grim news and sad statistics, it is only natural that people would begin to wonder whether they can use Tamiflu 75mg for Corona Virus.

It seems that not only are ordinary people looking for a cure against this deadly virus. Doctors and scientists are also worried and are doing all they can to find a cure. Recently, it seemed that a breakthrough might be close at hand. Doctors in Thailand claim that they have recorded some success in the treatment of severe cases of the Corona Virus. They claim to have combined drugs for HIV and the flu, and these results revealed some improvement two days after the treatment.

How does Tamiflu 75mg help in coronavirus?

The interest here would, of course, be the mention of the drugs for the flu that they used. It would naturally make us wonder if Tamiflu 75mg helpful in coronavirus? It is because Tamiflu is a popular medication for the cure of the flu. And if the Thai doctors said they found success in tackling the coronavirus with drugs for the flu, then you can expect that a lot of people would start to order Tamiflu without prescription. It is going to start happening especially in those cities where there is the fear of the virus already infecting people.

The Thai doctors are based in Bangkok’s Rajavuthi Hospital. They revealed that the condition of a lot of patients under their care had improved since they used this new approach to treating the coronavirus. One of the patients who is also responding is a 70-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan who for ten days was tested positive for the coronavirus.

According to these doctors, what they included in their drug treatment was a mixture of anti-HIV drugs ritonavir and lopinavir, in combination with large doses of a flu drug known as Oseltamivir.

A quick reminder is necessary here. Oseltamivir is a generic name for an antiviral medicine which is used for the treatment of anyone who has been infected with the flu. Tamiflu is the brand name for this medicine. Oseltamivir acts as an inhibitor for neuraminidase. What this means is that it works by clinging on the neuraminidase enzyme that is used by the virus to release from host cells that are infected.

There is some controversy surrounding the use of Tamiflu for the treatment of influenza. A review in 2014 concluded that the number of people hospitalized by the flu or those experiencing complications did not reduce when Oseltamivir was administered on them. They also found that the risks of Tamiflu cash on delivery outweighed the benefits. The possible side effects of taking this drug comprise of seizures, insomnia, headaches, diarrhoea, and vomiting.

The doctors in the Thailand hospital have pointed out that their cocktail is not yet a cure. However, they have pointed out that the condition of the patients is showing remarkable improvements. After they applied this combination of medicine, the test results became negative within forty-eight hours. It happened after the patient had tested positive for ten days under their care.

They claim that they still have more study to undertake to determine if this can become a standard treatment. For most of us, the outlook is good, and it just might mean that Tamiflu 75mg would help treat the Corona Virus.

Before this recent revelation by the Thai doctors, health officials in China have already been using flu and HIV drugs to attack the virus. The Thai doctors pointed out that the use of the three together in a cocktail seemed to improve the treatment.

A separate doctor in the same hospital stated that one other patient displayed some allergic reaction while another showed improvement when two patients were treated with the same approach.

The doctor in question stated that international practices had been followed. However, the dosage of one of the drugs was increased. That drug was Oseltamivir flu medicine. It could be an indication that people should go out and buy Tamiflu online if they have the coronavirus. But remember that it is not the only drug that was used. Besides, the treatment is not yet standard.

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